Pages from my journal #6

 December 4  JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Hatred (A Duet)" by The Kinks]

Think of someone for whom you feel nothing but enmity. Now imagine that tomorrow morning you wake up to discover that you and this person are two heads on the same body. Describe your day.

  I think that day would be horrible. The person and I would just be arguing or not even talk at all. It would honestly be a very rough day.  

December 1   JOURNAL TOPIC: What influences you more, your relationship with yourself or your relationship with others?  Why?

    I think what influences me more would be with myself because no matter how others are I wont be changing for anyone else but myself. 

November 30    JOURNAL TOPIC: So, here is today's journal question: what idea/s from any of our readings can you apply to real life?  What have the authors or characters done or said that make you think about yourself, people you know, or the bigger issues we all deal with in 2020?

    An idea I can apply would be stop missing the little things in life. We sometimes miss out on so many things because we are so caught up in for example social media and the internet. 


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