
Showing posts from September, 2020

My journal #2

 Topic: Adults say it to toddlers all the time. "use your words" and "how do the words you choose make you look as a person"     I honestly think that parents say that to toddlers because they use there hands to make motions when they want something or need to go to the restroom etc. And i feel like the words you choose is how it makes you look as a person, like if you curse a lot it sort of gives you a bad impression of you.

My journal #1

 Topic: When someone said something unexpectedly funny.      One time my brother just yelled something random and it caught me off guard while I was drinking water and I spit it out I thought is was so funny.  


 I think that the Young Goodman Brown was good I don't think he was evil even though he had temptations because of the devil.  I think we probably all think this but I think that obviously the devil is evil I don't think the devil is good because the devil basically kept putting bad things in his conscience.  I think that faith is not evil at all I think that faith is good because faith was putting faith into young goodman brown.  

Pandemic Pedagogy

What I have learned so far is how to use the internet a lot more and technology. I put up my first ever blog. I feel like the blogs will help with expressing how you feel. Now that we learn online not at regular school i feel like it makes us a bit more independent since we are not on zoom everyday.

I have the answers

 I know exactly what i will tell my support team about  my learning.  1. The hardest thing about starting school in a pandemic would be the fact that every thing is online and sometimes there is crashes or computer problems and it gets frustrating. 2. One thing i do enjoy about the pandemic is staying home for school and you don't meet everyday on zoom even though it is still a bit hard because if you have a question you either wait for the next weeks meeting send an email or schedule a meeting.  3. I really would like to get better at my writing because i want people to feel a connection when they read what i write.  4. One habit I would honestly like to stop is procrastinating. One habit I would like to start or I am  starting is to check if I have homework everyday not a day before it is due.  5. I am honestly expecting an A+ at the most because i want to challenge myself to try and have a 4.0 gpa. 


       I believe that arguing and giving up any right to our own opinion save our lives and improves our country etc. by expressing ourselves because everyone has an opinion and they should be able to voice it. By voicing your opinion you're basically standing up for what you believe in. It can help save lives by maybe telling someone who isn't in the right mindset "hey maybe you should do that its not good for you" or "you should stop doing that". It helps improve our country by maybe they are doing something with like your city or something with the laws by you don't agree with it then you should voice it. It is okay not to have the same believes as everyone because that is what you believe. That is why I think that voicing your opinion or arguing for what you believe in is good because it helps in many ways.