pages from my journal #3


October20 journal topic: Today is your day! You find a lottery ticket-- THE lottery ticket. After Dr. Preston cashes it for you (you're too young and smart to play the lottery), you have $50 million. What will you do with it?

What I would do with it would be give some money to my parents. I would also donate money to charity. I would save money for college and id spend some of it on me. 

October 22 journal topic: Why is it legal for businesses to put up all sorts of ugly signs, but graffiti is illegal?

I feel like its illegal because the businesses are like stores and like graffiti the public does it. I've never really thought about this. I personally think of graffiti as art like someone expressing themselves in art. 

October23 journal topic: Describe an important decision you had to make.  

So far one of the hardest decisions I had to make was to cut a lot of toxic friends off. I noticed how much i didn't need them and I think I made a really good choice. I did it by just at first not talk to them as much and keep my distance. The thing that determined my choice was just putting myself first and thinking about myself too and not just others. 


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