Final Reflection Essay

     This semester was unlike no other. I definitely did not see my junior year starting like this. It has been like a roller coaster with a lot of ups and some downs. What made this course different was that we didn't use canvas so I had to get used to making a blog and posting on it. I think what I found most meaningful was that Dr. Preston was so nice and understanding. Unlike some other teachers who would probably get mad if students still did not  have a blog he would stay longer with them to help them make a blog. Dr. Preston really made learning easier and time went by fast. I think that what I am most proud of would probably be my essay on the story Fahrenheit 451. I think I am most proud of it because of how the story connected to the story The Pedestrian and how I reacted to it. It had caught me by surprise when I heard how they connected. It was like a wow moment for me. Something I would do differently would be being consistent with posting on my blog from the beginning. I would also change how much I would procrastinate on posting and checking the course blog. Something I learned and I am glad that I learned this was learning how to create something on the internet. Exploring the internet. In the future you never know when you will need to create something on the internet. I am glad I learned to make my blog and I that I learned something new. Three texts I've read in this course would be "Young Goodman brown", "The Pedestrian", "Fahrenheit 451". Three literary techniques would be symbolism, mood, and simile. 


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