Literature analysis

    The plot of the story Bridge to Terabithia is that basically this boy named Jesse becomes best friends with the new girl Leslie who is also Jesse's neighbor. They make this imaginary place called Terabithia in a forest. They make it to basically get away from both school and home problems. They create this amazing friendship but a tragedy happens when Leslie dies trying to get to Terabithia by swinging on a rope they would use to get to the other side of the river. The theme of Bridge to Terabithia is friendship. When both of them face problems and help each other out. I feel like the author Katherine Paterson's morning routine would be like she could either wake up early or sleep in. She sounds very creative so I feel like she would drink tea in the morning. She would either do yoga or meditate. I feel like for breakfast she would have a nice calming breakfast maybe some toast and orange juice or her tea. I feel like she would just as how she made Leslie look she made her look unique she made her look different because when all the guys would race in recess she was the only girl who raced with the guys. She used symbolism as Terabithia it was their place it basically represented a symbol of their friendship because they were the king and queen or Terabithia and Jesse got mad at his little sister when she wanted to tag along and go with them. He felt like it was only their thing. I think what drew me to this book was that it was different I never read anything like that before so it really caught my attention for some reason. What I expected was honestly for the book to be so boring, I was never a person to have interest in reading. But when I read that book it really got my attention I wanted to read more. I think what kept me reading was that I wanted to know more about these characters. Then reading more and more I found out they were becoming best friends. Like I said I was honestly never a good reader but once I read that book I got more and more interested in them. I now rarely read and I don't like that because I know there is good books and story's out there I am still trying  to read once in a while. Basically the plot of this story is that two young people became really good best friends and they had a friendship like no other and they were so happy in their imaginary place. 


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