Essay Fahrenheit 451

     The book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is basically about these type of people more like a society. This society is so sad and like depressing almost like boring. Basically reading is like against the law and firefighters burn down the books. One day Montag is walking and comes across Clarisse. Clarisse is different. This is where the story than connects to book The pedestrian where the man who was just walking at night was Clarisse's uncle she talks about how the police arrested him because they thought he was crazy and weird for just walking at night.

    This book has things going on that you really wouldn't see going on. Like firefighters burning down books because its against the law. I feel like they burn down the books because what is in them is reality and they don't want to face it and they want things to go a certain way. That's why Clarisse is so different her and her family. Slowly Montag realizes how sad his life is. 

    I like to think as Clarisse being the eye opener to Montag. If Montag never came across Clarisse he wouldn't realize how miserable his life was and how different they both are. He slowly realizes that books aren't bad he probably starts questioning how things are like in the government and how they are doing things. I think that this story connects a lot to life and how we don't really realize a lot of things happening because of the internet. We don't really notice things going on around us because we are always on social media and stuff like that. 

     I really think that Bradbury wanted to connect the story with life to give us an eye opener as well as Clarisse did to Montag.  Clarisse made Montag realize that there was a way to be happy. I feel like now most of our lives really do revolve around the internet and we should notice that there is more to that. 

    In conclusion Fahrenheit 451 is honestly an eyeopener in both the story and in real life. I think that this was a really good book, I really enjoyed reading it. 


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