Pages from my journal #2

 Sep 8,  Journal topic: Your friends invite you to a fancy restaurant in San Francisco-- all expenses paid! The waiter brings you a soda, calls you "sir" or "miss" and hands you a menu. With horror you realize that every dish consists of insects in different sauces! What will you do?

I feel like I would not want to try anything because I am a very picky eater. But I also think that i would like maybe try something just to like try it. 

Sep 11, Journal topic: Time to get stocked. Imagine that you have the magic wand. You get to do or be anything you want to do, and all you have todo is make up your mind that nothing will stop you. So, the question is: What will you do? What will you be? 

If I had a magic wand I would probably want to travel like time travel. Either back in time or in the future. I just would like to see how things are like how different they are from now. 

Oct 2, Journal topic: Why do you think people depend so much on push notifications from their phones/ tablets? If you need to be reminded about something, why not set a push notification for yourself? 

I personally think people need push notifications because they aren't good at remembering. Like me I am really bad at remembering a lot of things. I am always forgetting things so push notifications help a lot. 


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